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John Resendes "John(Fla)"
No Distractions Inc. Tampa
"Here is the story behind an "interesting" chair we recently reupholstered for a customer...... (circa 1930) excerpt from the dissolution of marriage of Sophie T. Kurtz, complainant, and Chester A. R. Kurtz, defendant:
"...He has bought only a few articles of furniture for the home and has resented those purchased and paid for by complainant, insulting and abusing her regarding her purchase of a chair, saying to complainant, without provocation, "You have bought a Morris (sic) chair, now you can sit in it for punishment, God d**n your soul..."
By the way,..she(Sophie) DID outlive him (Chester) and the chair is residing in Baltimore MD."

Left: Before reupholstery
Center: Stripped to the frame, front rail missing.
Right: The finished product!
Don DeVore
Vintage Auto Upholstery Springville, NY.(south of Buffalo)

I've been an auto upholsterer for about 26 years.
This is a project I developed last year on my PT Cruiser. Simulated convertible top.(does not go's fake!) Fiberglass shell covered in canvas.
Here's a few frames being recovered by Atmaji
Bali Indonesia

Mark and Donna Jones Boats and More
Piney Point MD

We did all the work on the Golf Cart, it is a 1971 Harley Davidson Model "D", It was all OEM and well worn, The seats originally had steel bases but were rusted thru, they were replaced with plywood bases. The replacement fabric for the seats and top is vinyl, colors are brilliant white and ruby red in an "Islander" pattern and classic blue in a "Heidi" pattern. Fabric is from TEDCO industries Baltimore Maryland.
The top was labor intensive and of our own design requiring 27 individual pieces to be cut and sewn together. To provide a uniform flat and custom fit it was "top sewn". The remainder of the work was a complete stripping and sanding of the body. West System was used to repair body damage and bright white Spar Var marine urethane paint was used for the top coat. Head and tail lights were added along with a custom aluminum hitch for towing the peddle boat. It was a lot of work but it was also a lot of fun and it turned out great and gets a lot of comments. We plan on doing another in the coming season.
Kim Buckminster Buckminster Upholstery
Falls City NE

"Black leather Turkish rocker is a very accurate restoration. Built
in 1918, it was probably one of the last of it's kind. The frame is wood,
steel and wire. Springs abound, tops of the arms, 5 per wing, many
in the back and headrest."
Left: "Bed Lounge", popular 100 years ago. Opens into a bed.
Morris Chair from Glenda Dodge Kingston
Nova Scotia Canada

It is almost a year since I posted the "before" picture of this old Morris Chair that is about 100 years old. Some of your readers and more accomplished upholsters than I am gave me a lot of advice on how to get the job done! Thought you might like to see the finished chair, now my favorite place to sit and read.
G. Dodge.